A question
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Do COs have a cushy life?
by A question indo cos (and dos) have a cushy life in comparison with other jws, or others in fulltime service?.
it could be said that they do, since they have an apartment provided for them, meals out, green handshakes, and invites to social gatherings.
it could also be said that they do not, since they may have to live in a different house every week, accept whatever food they're given, and they have a lot more meetings than the average jw.. .
The process to remove an elder?
by A question incan anyone here with personal experience relate examples of how an elder was removed?.
what were the reasons?
how did he react?
Playing games or cards after the Congregation Book Study?
by A question inhow common was that where you live?
had you ever heard of that before?.
Any way to contact BonaFide?
by A question ini've been reading the experiences of the poster here called bonafide, and based on his many and unique positions in the wt organization (elder, mts grad, missionary, co in a poor country) i've been wanting to ask him some things.. i quick checked his profile and he hasn't posted in 2 years.
do you know any way i might be able to contact him?
would he respond to a pm?.
If You Have Had the CO or DO Stay With You...
by A question infor those of you who have had the co/do stay with you for the week:.
how was the experience?.
how did they spend their free time?
Atlantis or anyone, Publication request
by A question indoes anyone have the publications listed in this thread?.
missionary counsel booklet (1985), for missionaries.
memorandum for regional building committees, for regional building committee membersworking together safelysafety rules and standards for volunteer projects, for regional building committee volunteersdistrict convention operations (1997), for convention committee members.
Where are MTS grads sent?
by A question inin your experience, where and as what are mts graduates sent?.
home country or foriegn asseignment?.
reg pioneer?
Anyone With Major Judicial/Service Department Experience?
by A question inis there anyone on the board with a large amount of experience with judicial matters or (preferably) with the service department of the society or perhaps even worked on the service department?
if so, i would appreciate the answers to at least some of the following questions:.
does the society ever take the initiative to remove elders, and if so, how do they do it?
Smurf Rumors - 2 Questions
by A question inas the board no doubt knows, there was some sort of rumor in the early 1980s going around amongst the witnesses that a smurf doll came to life in the kingdom hall, or that smurfs were demonic.. 2 questions:.
1. do any not remember any such rumors though they were witnesses at the time?.
2. of those who do, did all the witnesses believe them, or otherwise, what proportion rejected the rumor as nonsense?.
Anyone Who Served at Bethel - A Question
by A question ini thought i would get the opinion of those on this forum about what is written in the following link:.
i don't mind who comments, but i am asking only those who served at bethel, preferably recently, what they think, from their own personal experience, about the claims raised in the link above, and perhaps other questions as well i might ask later, i'll see.. .